TIL TECHNOLOGIES, french manufacturer of electronic security systems for buildings

Since 35 years, we protected more than 6000 locations around the world with our specialized solutions for access control, intrusion detection, video-monitoring and technical management.

You want to secure your building or site?

Discover the right security solution for your line of business.

Every site or building is unique and faces different security issues.
The MICROSESAME system has been designed on a modular basis to provide you with a tailor-made solution.
Whatever your business, TIL has the product solutions and software features to meet your needs.

Your site needs a custom study?

Contact our salesforce

Our news

Stay up to date on security with our latest news and developments in access control, intrusion detection, video supervision and building management.
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Our videos

Watch our latest videos on TIL's Youtube Channel : product presentations,  corporate videos or recordings of our online webinars

See all our Youtube videos

Mobile access control with MOBILIS

Building security supervision with MICROSESAME