Données personnelles

TIL TECHNOLOGIES respects the privacy of all persons with whom it interacts in the context of professional relationships related to its activities. The privacy policy set out below explains the conditions under which TIL TECHNOLOGIES may collect personal information about you and how TIL TECHNOLOGIES uses and secures such information.
What personal information does TIL TECHNOLOGIES collect and how ?
In order to personalize and optimize your contacts with TIL TECHNOLOGIES, we may collect personal information through several channels derived from our professional relationships: as part of direct business contacts on projects or in prospecting, during visits to trade shows and road shows, via your requests for support from the TIL TECHNOLOGIES customer service or during your visits or requests for access to the TIL TECHNOLOGIES websites.
We therefore collect mainly two categories of personal information. We may receive and store personal information you provide to us, directly or through a third-party partner: business cards, online forms or any other means... In this case you may decide to provide us with complete or partial information. The second category of personal information we collect comes from TIL websites and is not identifiable. We may, for example, use "cookies" to obtain information when you connect to our sites with your web browser. A "cookie" is an alphanumeric identifier that we send to your machine via your browser and store on your hard drive. This cookie allows us to recognize your computer when you visit our websites. The toolbar of most web browsers contains the Help menu. See this section for information on how you can be notified when a cookie is received and how you can disable cookies. However, we recommend that you leave cookies enabled, as they may allow you to use advanced features of our website. 
How do we use personal information and non-identifiable information ?
TIL TECHNOLOGIES uses the personal information you provide to us in accordance with this privacy policy. If you provide personal information in a particular context, we may use it in that context alone. If, for example, you contact us by e-mail, we may use the personal information you have provided to us to answer a question you have provided to us, resolve a problem you have provided to us, or respond to your application in the case of a service offer.TIL TECHNOLOGIES also uses your personal information and other non-identifiable information collected on the website to improve the content and functions of the website, better understand our customers and markets, and improve our products and services.
TIL TECHNOLOGIES may also use your personal information to contact you, electronically or otherwise, to provide you with technical and business information about our products and services that may be of interest to you or to facilitate the use of our products or our website. In this case, the information we send to you contains instructions that allow you to stop receiving this information. 
Does TIL TECHNOLOGIES communicate the personal information it receives ?
We do not sell personal information about our users. This personal information is essential to our relationship with our customers and we treat it with the utmost rigor and respect. However, in certain cases, we may have to communicate them to certain third parties under the conditions stipulated below.

Marketing: With your consent, the information you provide to us, relating to TIL TECHNOLOGIES, its products or services, may be used for advertising or marketing purposes (references, success stories...).

Technology Partners: the targeted technical and commercial information we send you may present products other than TIL TECHNOLOGIES products, associated with our systems. We only share your contact information with these technology partners if you specifically request information.

Providers: TIL TECHNOLOGIES may require third-party companies to perform certain operations such as direct mail, e-mail, and database management. In this case, we only provide the companies concerned with the personal information they need to perform these tasks and we endeavor to prevent them from using it for other purposes.

Public areas: all information you submit in public areas (including TIL social networks) is deemed public. TIL TECHNOLOGIES does not control the actions of other users associated with the information you disseminate in public areas and cannot be held responsible for such actions. We would therefore like to draw your attention to the fact that this information may be collected and used by others to send you unsolicited messages or for other purposes.

Protection of TIL TECHNOLOGIES and third parties: we may disclose personal information when such information is necessary to comply with applicable law or other regulation, to protect rights, property, our customers, TIL TECHNOLOGIES or third parties. We may also share personal information with other entities to combat fraud and reduce risk.

VITAPROTECH Group: TIL TECHNOLOGIES is part of a group that may need to buy or sell businesses and transfer certain resources or services from one entity to another. In this case, and always in the context of professional relationships related to the activities of TIL TECHNOLOGIES, the personal information may be part of the resources transferred.
How does TIL TECHNOLOGIES protect my personal information ?
TIL TECHNOLOGIES reasonably protects the personal information you provide to us on the Website from unauthorized access, deletion or modification. However, Internet security cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, do not send confidential information to the website.
Access to your personal information
You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data (Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978). For any request, contact TIL TECHNOLOGIES by email at If you want to delete your personal information, you should be aware that residual information may remain in TIL TECHNOLOGIES records and archives, in which case TIL TECHNOLOGIES will not use it for commercial purposes. TIL TECHNOLOGIES reserves the right to retain your personal information if we have prohibited you from accessing the Website or suspended or restricted your access to the Website in the event of non-compliance with the Terms and Conditions.
What are my choices ?
As stated in this privacy policy, you may not provide personal information, but in this case, you may not be able to benefit from the services of TIL TECHNOLOGIES under the best conditions (inquiries, prices, technical support...) or use certain functions of our website.
Links to third party sites
From our website, you can access third-party sites through links. You agree that the use of these third party sites is governed by the privacy policy of each of these sites and not by that of TIL TECHNOLOGIES. TIL TECHNOLOGIES cannot be held responsible for the actions of the operators of the third party sites.
Changes to Terms and Conditions
TIL TECHNOLOGIES reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time and without notice. In this case, the new version will be available on the website. You acknowledge that you are responsible for regularly reviewing the Terms and Conditions and that your use of the Website constitutes your acceptance of these changes.
In the event that any part of these Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to the Disclaimer or Limitation of Liability Clause, is declared invalid or unenforceable in accordance with applicable law, the invalid or unenforceable clause shall be replaced by a valid applicable clause close to the spirit and wording of the original clause, without affecting the other terms of the Terms and Conditions.
The Terms and Conditions are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute relating to these terms and conditions or the website, only the French Courts will have jurisdiction.